Monday, April 27, 2015


                                                                                                                                                         OVERVIEW OF BIOTECHNOLOGY

Man has been employing living organisms knowingly or unknowingly from prehistoric times for the production of various things like alcoholic beverages,curd,cheese etc.The ancient Indian system of medicine Ayurveda used the self-generated alcohol as the medium in the
medicines.From these it is very evident that the the term use of biotechnology is not a recent phenomenon but a very old technology.
The term biotechnology was used before the 20th century for making dairy products cheese, curd, bread, wine, beer etc.These were traditional activities thats why  none of these could be considered biotechnology in the modern sense. The process of fermentation for making the products like alcohol,beer,wine. dairy products, different type of organic acid like vinegar, citric acid, amino acids and vitamins can be say or termed as the classical or traditional biotechnology.



There are several definitions of biotechnology but in a simple language Biotechnology is the 'controlled use of  biological agents like cells cell or cellular components for beneficial use'.
Biotechnology can be defined as 'the use of living organisms,cell or cellular components for the production of  compounds or precise genetic improvement of living things for the benefit of human being.
Biotechnology is that technological application that uses biological system, living, organism, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.

-Along with the development of science, The Expert have started again to develop biotechnology by utilizing scientific principle through research. In modern biotechnology people can produce products effectively and efficiently.

-Modern Biotechnology is not only used in the Food Industry but has covered too many fields like genetic engineering,pollution management and so far. This is based on the manipulation besides utilizing microbiology and biochemistry on basic way.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015



The study of the Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry of  the Nervous System is Called 


The Scientific study of life in the geologic past, especially through the study of Animal & Plant Fossils. 

Paleontology is the study of  the fossil evidence for all life on planet earth plant & Animal alike.


Pathology changes in a person an animal or a plant that are caused by disease.

Pathology is that Science or study of  the origin nature & cause of diseases in ancient time.


Physiology is that study Where we studies about about the origin, nature & cause of diseases to flow it happens.

                                                          PLANT PATHOLOGY

Plant pathology is that study Where We study about the diseases of plants.


                                                       POPULATION BIOLOGY

Population Biology is studies of  that Biology where We studies of groups of  con specific organisms.


A Population Biology is the collection of inter breeding organisms of a particular species.


Sociobiology is the comparative study between the biological basis of social organization & behavior animals & humans & basically its studies about the regard to their genetic basis & evolutionary history.


The Study of  Social behavior in animals and humans is called SOCIOBIOLOGY.

                                                          STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY

Structural Biology is that biology Where We studies about the branch of  Molecular Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics.

                                                            SYSTEM BIOLOGY

System Biology is that biology Where we understand the Bio Medical Systems in different analytic bases.


Toxic means poison So, this is the study about that Science Which deals with the effects of  chemical, physical and biological agents & how a living things react to them.


Zoology is that Science Where We study about the animals and their classifications,nature, physiology, habits, there development.

Saturday, April 11, 2015



Ecology  deals with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment.  


This is the study of the distribution & determinants of health-related states or events in specified population & the application of this study to control of Health problems.


Epidemiology is a branch of Medical Science that deals with the incidence,distribution & control of disease in a population.

                                                    EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY

This Biology is deals  with the processes of change in populations of organisms, especially taxonomy, palaeontology, ethology population genetics & ecology.


Deals with the heredity & variation of organisms.

Genetics is the Scientific Study of how genes control the characteristics of plants & animals.


This Diagnosis or Treatment & prevention of disease of the blood & bone marrow.
Study of the nature function and disease of the blood & of blood forming organs.

The Branch Of Medicines that deals with diseases of the blood.


Studies of Fungi called Mycology.

Dealing with the study of fungi is called Mycology.

                                                      MARINE BIOLOGY

Marine Biology is that science involving the study of animals and plants that lives in the ocean and the shoreline and how they interact with the environment.

Marine Biology is the study of life in the ocean and other salt water environment.  

In Marine Biology where We studies about that animals & plants who lives oceans.


Microbiology is that biology dealing with the structure ,function uses & modes of existence of Microscopic organisms.

Study Of Microorganisms is called Microbiology.

                                                       MOLECULAR  BIOLOGY

Molecular Biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure ,function & manipulation of nucleic acids & proteins.




Thursday, April 2, 2015



                                                              LIFE SCIENCES  
An area of Science that deals with living things and life processes.
Any Science that deals with living organisms, their life processes and their interrelationships,as Biology, Medicine or Ecology.

                                               BRANCHES OF LIFE SCIENCES

There are many branches of Life Sciences. but some are major branches which are as follows-


Agriculture is an art and Science of growing plants and other crops and other raising of  the animals for food,or other human needs economic gain.


 Anatomy is that branch where we study the structure of Living Organism.


Biochemistry is also a branch of Science In this Science We studies the chemical reaction process Which happens in Animals and Plants.

                                                        BIO ENGINEERING 

Bio engineering is also known as Genetic Engineering. This is the process Where Scientist modify the genome of an organism for making organism better in some way.

                                                         BIO MECHANICS 

Bio mechanics is the study of action of external and internal living body. or u can say we study mechanical nature in our body as heart action and muscle movement.

                                                    BIO MEDICAL RESEARCH
Bio medical Research is also a branch of  Life Sciences Where,We study of health and diseases in Animals and Plants.


Study of Biological process in Animals and Plants through Physics by applying some theories and methods which is use in Biological Sciences.


 Biotechnology is a technology based Biology Where this technology is uses for living organism and their products for making a modify the product to improve plants and animals or develop microorganism for specific uses.

                       Study of Plants is called Botany.

                                                          CELL BIOLOGY

Cell Biology is a branch of Biology where we studies the functions of cells.

                                             DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY

In this Biology We studies the development and growth of  Animal or Plant.