Tuesday, April 14, 2015



The study of the Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry of  the Nervous System is Called 


The Scientific study of life in the geologic past, especially through the study of Animal & Plant Fossils. 

Paleontology is the study of  the fossil evidence for all life on planet earth plant & Animal alike.


Pathology changes in a person an animal or a plant that are caused by disease.

Pathology is that Science or study of  the origin nature & cause of diseases in ancient time.


Physiology is that study Where we studies about about the origin, nature & cause of diseases to flow it happens.

                                                          PLANT PATHOLOGY

Plant pathology is that study Where We study about the diseases of plants.


                                                       POPULATION BIOLOGY

Population Biology is studies of  that Biology where We studies of groups of  con specific organisms.


A Population Biology is the collection of inter breeding organisms of a particular species.


Sociobiology is the comparative study between the biological basis of social organization & behavior animals & humans & basically its studies about the regard to their genetic basis & evolutionary history.


The Study of  Social behavior in animals and humans is called SOCIOBIOLOGY.

                                                          STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY

Structural Biology is that biology Where We studies about the branch of  Molecular Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics.

                                                            SYSTEM BIOLOGY

System Biology is that biology Where we understand the Bio Medical Systems in different analytic bases.


Toxic means poison So, this is the study about that Science Which deals with the effects of  chemical, physical and biological agents & how a living things react to them.


Zoology is that Science Where We study about the animals and their classifications,nature, physiology, habits, there development.

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