Head Injury is any sort of Injury to your brain,skull or scalp.The injury may be only minor bump on the skull ( no break in the skin) or serious brain injury (skull bone is broken). The consequences and treatment vary greatly, depending what caused your head injury and how severe it is.
Common events causing head injury including Falls, Vehicle related accidents, violence sports injuries, explosive blasts,physical assaults.
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-Vomiting, Balance or Coordination problems,dizziness, memory loss, confusion,nausea, loss of muscle control, headache, changes mood are the symptoms for Minor head injuries.
-A loss of consciousness,seizures,vomiting,balance or coordination problems,serious disorientation and inability to focus the eyes,abnormal eye movements,a loss of muscle control,persistent or worsening headache,memory loss changes in mood are the symptoms of severe Brain Injuries
Head Injuries should not be taken lightly You should directly go to the Doctor If you are thinking that you have the symptoms of Major Injury.The treatment of head injury is depend upon patient condition and injury.
In minor Head injuries usually any treatment is not required other than rest and over-the -counter pain relievers to treat a headache.that person who has a minor head injury usually needs to be monitored closely at home for any persistent,new symptoms.that person also may have follow up Doctor Appointment.
In case of Serious Brain injury you should always call Medical Helpline Number.In case of Brain Injury is worse,and emergency medical personnel are trained to move patients carefully without causing more damage.
You may need to be hospitalized if you have a serious Brain injury.The treatment you receive at the Hospital will depend on your diagnosis.
-Wear helmet if you are going out by two wheeler.
-Wear your seatbelt every time you drive.
-Walk carefully on slippery floor like tile,marble, wet floor.
-Use head gear for sports.
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