Sunday, February 26, 2017



Despite their small size,Chia seeds are packed full of important nutrients.They are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids,which can help in raise to HDL cholesterol(the good cholesterol that helps protect against heart attack and stroke).

Define Chia Seeds?

Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica) :- Chia is an edible seed that comes from the plant Salvia hispanica grown in Mexico dating back to Mayan and Aztec time. “Chia” means strength, and folklore has it that these cultures used the tiny black and white seeds as an energy booster.

Scientific Classification Of Chia Seeds-
                                                            Kingdom : Plantae          
                                                             Order        : Lamiales
                                                             Family     :  Lamiaceae
                                                             Genus       : Salvia
Species : hispanica
Chia is a very nutritious, ancient seed that has been commonly used in Latin American Countries for thousands years. Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants and full, of fiber,magnesium,zinc iron and calcium.

Description of Chia Plant

Chia is an annual herb growing up to 1.75 meters (5.7 feet) tall, with opposite leaves that are 4-8 cm (1.6-3.1 in) long and 3-5 cm (1.2-2.0 in) wide.Its flowers are purple or white and are produced in numerous clusters in a spike at the end of each stem.                                                       
                              Image Courtesy:Google
Research Studies Related Chia Seeds

1- According to The current research finding,Chia seeds is a good choice of healthy oil to maintain a balance serum lipid profile.However,unlike Vitamin E and coenzyme Q10,in vivo culture clinical bioactivity and safety evaluation of chia seeds are still limited.Furthermore, details on the mechanisms of chia seed’s hypolipidemic effects need to be studied and compared with those of the isolated omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

2- According to some other research  studies investigating the effect the consumption of chia seed has on cardiovascular risk present inconclusive results.We underscore the need for randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled clinical trials in order to obtain results are more reliable.

Nutrient Content & Food Uses

1- According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one ounce of chia seeds (approximately 28 grams) contains 138 calories, 8 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrate, 10 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein.Eating one ounce of chia seeds/day would provide 18% of daily calcium needs, 27% of phosphorus, 30% of manganese and smaller amounts of copper,potassium and zinc.When compared to flax-seed,chia seeds provide more omega-3s, calcium,phosphorus and fiber-all essential nutrients that most people are not getting enough of.

2- In 2009,the European Union approved chia seeds as a novel food,allowing chia to be 5% of a  bread products’s total matter.Chia seed (tokhm-e-sharbati, meaning “beverage seed”) is used to prepare a sharbat(cold beverage)in Iran.

3- Chia seeds may be added to other foods as a toppings or put into smoothies,breakfast cereals,energy bars,granola bars,yogurt,tortillas and bread.They also may be made into a gelatin-like substance or consumed raw.The gel from ground seeds may be used to replaces as much as 25% of the gg content and oil cakes while providing other nutrients.

Cultivation and Growing Cycle Length of Chia
The growing cycle length of Chia varies based on location and is influenced by elevation.For production sites located in different ecosystems in Bolivia,Argentina and Ecuador, growing cycles are between 100-150 days in duration.

Chia is a short-day flowering plant,indicating its photoperiodic sensitivity and lack of photoperiodic variability in traditional cultivars,has limited commercials use of chia seeds to tropical and subtropical latitudes until 2012.

Seed yield varies depending on cultivars,mode of cultivation, and growing conditions by geographic region.For an example,commercial fields in Colombia and Argentina vary in yield range from 450 to 1250 kg/ha.

The cultivation of Chia requires light to medium clay or sandy soils.Sown chia seeds need moisture for seedling establishment,while the maturing chia plant does tolerate wet soils during growth.The plant prefers,moderately fertile soils,well-drained,but can cope with acid soils and moderate drought.

Chia can be cultivated under low fertilizer input,using 100 kg nitrogen/hectare or in some cases,no fertilizer is used.

Irrigation frequency in chia production fields may vary from none to eight irrigations per growing seasons,depending on climate conditions and rainfall.

Currently,no major pests or diseases affect chia production.Essential oils in chia leaves have repellent properties against the insects,making it suitable for organic cultivation.

NOW 5 SCIENCE BACKED BENEFITS OF CHIA : Here are five to six reasons why you should do like the Aztecs and eat chia seeds to survive our modern fights long hours at work,mental fatigue & chasing after the kids! Slightly less brutal,but exhausting nonetheless!

Chia seeds are an amazing source of Omega 3,higher than flax-seed. We’re talking brain function,mental clarity,healthy heart….and good hair! If you are vegetarian,or just don’t like the smell of fish oil,Chia seeds are a great alternative.

Chia seeds are gluten-free.If you want to use you can grind them and add them into your baking recipes,like a flour.In any recipe,replace ¼ of the flour of chia flour-so if it’s 1 cup of flour you can do ¾  cups of flour and ¼ cup of chia flour.You may prefer to use white chia seeds,as the black ones will speckle your baked goods.

Chia seeds are high in Fiber.They help out in  your body to eliminate toxins and clean out your whole intestinal tract.Which means you’ll be regular and of course, that’s a good thing!

A complete protein,chia seeds contain all nine of the essential amino acids which our bodies need for growth & repair of blood cells, tissues, muscles,collagen..Our bodies can’t produce these building-blocks,We can only obtain them from our diet.

Chia seeds contain an army of different antioxidants which can help to prevent disease and boost energy.Chia is so high in antioxidants that the naturals oils do not go rancid,giving chia seeds a very long shelf life.

Chia seed controls blood sugar levels.Chia seeds from a gel when placed in liquid  in our body this gel will help to slow down the release of sugar from starch,giving us a prolonged release of energy rather than the high and low spikes you can get after eating a carb heavy meal.

NOTE :-Don’t let their size deceive you; a mere spoonful of chia seeds, or a 1 oz portion will give you:
  1. 4.4 of protein
  2. 42% of your daily recommended amount of fiber
  3. 30% of your daily recommended manganese
  4. 27% of your daily recommended phosphorous
  5. 18% of your daily recommended calcium
  6. 4915 mg of omega-3 fatty acids
  7. 1620mg of omega-6 fatty acids
                        chiagraphic.jpg                                                Image Courtesy: google

These are the references related Chia Study and you can go through these links for more knowledge/studies.

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